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7 Ways Tea Tree Oil Might be Useful to You

Native to the Australian continent the tea tree first garnered interest in the 1920s when local researchers discovered the plant contained superior antiseptic qualities to a then well-known germicide known as carbolic acid. Since then it has seen a spike in worldwide populated especially from its essential oils, extracted mostly in Wales. This precious plant oil possesses a strong, but pleasant odor and many potential uses in cleaning and hygiene.

1.For treating Acne
One 1990 clinical study showed the effectiveness of tea tree oil as a natural treatment for acne. Due to its speed in providing relief, it was shown to be less effective when mixed with a solution of a water-based gel than benzoyl peroxide. However, was also shown to be much easier on the skin with less drying, damage, and irritation.
2.As a cleaner
Add about 20 drops of tea tree oil diluted into a small spray bottle of water and you have a natural, antiseptic, antibacterial household cleaner as an alternative to store-bought chemicals.
3.Bug Repellent
Tea tree oil has also been shown effective in getting rid of creepy crawly pests around the house. It has been recommended in home remedies for disposing of bed bugs, protecting gardens from crop-devouring pests, and has even been used products designed for treating lice.
4.Common Infections
Tea tree oil as been shown highly effective especially in treating fungal infections like athletes foot and has been applied under effective fingernails and toenails for effective relief and cleansing. Its effectiveness was seen in its early days in a 1930 article published in the Medicinal Journal of Australia showed when applies to carbuncles and other puss-filled infections were able to bring the infected areas to normalcy without damaging surrounding skin tissue. It has also been used to treat common ear and other infections.
5.Cough/Sore Throat
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a small cup of water and gargle, and you have a natural remedy to treat the early days of a soar or inflamed throat. It has also been used to treat coughs and bronchial infections by adding it to a nice bath.
6.Bug Bites
With a few drops of tea tree, oil one may prevent and even provide all but instant relief for bug bites. Add a few drops to a face wash or other hygiene product and watch the results this summer!

7.In Hygiene Products
With its easiness on the skin and rich cleaning and antibacterial qualities tea tree oil has been used in many soaps, shampoos, and even in herbal varieties of mouthwash. It's also great for killing odor-causing germs in natural soaps and deodorants. 

Please note nothing on this blog has been evaluated by the FDA nor should be construed as medical advice or used in the treatment, prevention, or curing of conditions or diseases. Always ask a qualified doctor before making decisions about your health. 


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