Fruit Flies and Other Pests
This information will likely bear repeated winter slowly gives way to springing, but have you ever heard the old saying "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar"? It turns tout the two together perform even better. The sugar in honey is known for attracting the little pests, and the two together form a trap that will help keep you home clean and free of them.
A Tonic To Jump Start Your Day
Apple Cider vinegar is believed by many to jumpstart the metabolism and digestive system and is often used in light detox plans. As a tonic, it can also drink in juice, in water, or straight (I don't recommend) for a boost of energy to start your day. You'll be supplying your body with B-Vitamins and other essential nutrients and adding a light spring to your step.
Managing Blood Sugar
According to research by Dr. Carol Johnson at Arizona State University, it would appear that ingesting the vinegar daily may help to manage unhealthy blood sugar levels. This sour and bitter miracle nectar works by blocking certain grains that we ingest into our system throughout our regular diets, thus being able to prevent our blood sugar from rising or at very least reducing the impact. It would appear then that Apple Cider vinegar is also a natural anti-glycemic.
Skin Care
Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to remove and treat warts and bunion. It should be noted that prolonged use on the skin can cause damage over time. This is possibly in part due to its levels of acidity.
Acid Reflux
Apple Cider vinegar has often been touted as a home remedy for those suffering from acid reflux disease and heartburn. This may be because apple cider contains large volumes of acetic, that when ingested, help to regulate acid levels in the stomach by helping to digest food faster and thus reduce excess acid productions. It is noted, however, that due to its high concentrations in acid apple cider vinegar should be used for acid reflux mixed into other liquids rather than straight. It may be best to ingest with water or juice. Your taste buds will thank you as well.
And finally most importantly and most miraculously apple cider may be the cure for the ultimate ill. According to an article in Reader's Digest, it may contain substances that interrupt signals in the brain that cause hiccups thus providing the ultimate cure for this age-old ill.
I haven't yet had the opportunity to this test this myself, but I will certainly you keep you all post if the chance should arise.
Please note that this information is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease and none of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA. Always seek advice from a medical doctor before making decisions about your health.
Please note nothing on this blog has been evaluated by the FDA nor should be construed as medical advice or used in the treatment, prevention, or curing of conditions or diseases. Always ask a qualified doctor before making decisions about your health.
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