While science continues to race for a cure nature may have an answer, or at very least there are three herbs we will learn about today that may help contribute to this great effort. Some of them may surprise you.
According to an article published on Cancer Research U.K a great deal of research has been conducted on this regular household spice and its relation to cancer. Some hopeful results have been shown perhaps in part to a key ingredient found naturally in the turmeric plant "curcumin". It turns out a bounteous supply of their cancer substance exists in turmeric.
Some clinical studies have shown that applying curcumin to certain organs undergoing precancerous changes has been shown to prevent them from evolving into cancer. Further research has shown that countries where turmeric is consumed most (India and Bangladesh for example where it's used in many dishes) exhibited noticeably lower cancer rates among the population. There may be some variables at play and research is still young but the results are encouraging.
It has also been shown through a clinical trial or two that turmeric may in some rare cases help to shrink cancerous tumors and even increase the immune system's level of various substances known for fighting cancer.
Research is perhaps now too young to confirm anything for sure, but it appears this life-giving, liver-saving plant, may be more than it first appears...

Some university is beginning to suggest that the root may be a superior treatment to chemotherapy in that while chemotherapy is known for killing cancer cells it can also kill healthy ones. In contrast, the dandelion root seems to kill cancer cells while leaving the healthy ones alone.
It's also believed that dandelions may be able to kill cancer cells in the case of early detection, preventing them from multiplying and thus nipping cancer in the bud so to speak.

According to the Huffington Post, however, more recent research conducted in the past few years has begun to shed even more light on how THC, the plant's most famous compound, may be applied to treat and perhaps even kill cancerous tumors.
While legalization in some states has allowed more research and open use of the controversial herb, a long road ahead remains as the subject continues to stew in a heated debate.
Please note nothing on this blog has been evaluated by the FDA nor should be construed as medical advice or used in the treatment, prevention, or curing of conditions or diseases. Always ask a qualified doctor before making decisions about your health.
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